Photography Guidelines

NOTE: Photographers must provide list of expected clients as well as their arrival time 48hrs prior to appointment

COVID UPDATES: Since we are a large farm of many acres, we are leaving COVID rules and regulations up to the booking photographer, as they will be the ones in close contact with their clients. We simply ask that masks are worn at all times when around others not in your party and when photos are not being taken.

Q: Do I need to check in with anyone when I arrive?

A: An employee on site will check you in. Photographers must provide a list of all clients (first and last name) as well as their (and their clients) expectant time of arrival prior to their appointment. Email prior to appointment must be given to the employees 48 hours prior to the requested time slot. A staff member will be able to direct your clients to your specific location of your choice.

Q: Is there parking on site?

A: Parking is free. Each Photographer will choose which field they would like to set up in. Each field is named. Families will be directed to the field in which each photographer is set up in.

Q: Can I have another photographer with me to help me with props or taking pictures?

A: Each session is reserved for one photographer only, however, if you need assistance with props or an assistant, email us prior providing his/her full name. It is also noted that he/she will only be able to assist the photographer and not be taking pictures.

Q: May I bring my pets?

A: Yes, however all pets must be picked up after as well as leashed at all times.

Q: May we schedule a photo shoot during Christmas Tree season?

A: Photography Sessions are available throughout November and December. Please note that we may be very busy during the weekends from Black Friday to Christmas, so if you want the most leisurely experience, consider a weekday session or schedule prior to Thanksgiving.

Q: Will I have enough room to shoot?

A: Our farm is several acres of Christmas Trees. Therefore, there will be plenty of room for each photographer to find the picture perfect spot.

Q: What do I need to do in order to get in touch with someone on the farm while I am on site?

A: There will be an attendant on site who you can contact or please call us at 808-865-2011.

Q: Can I bring props for my sessions? How big? 

A: Props are more than welcome on our farm, but we do have a strict “Leave it as you found it” policy, so do not use anything that can easily scatter or blow away in the wind. If the prop is very large, the photographer must inform Hamakua Christmas Tree Forest prior to photo shoot. Hamakua Christmas Tree Forest will not be held liable or responsible for broken or lost items/props on HCTF property.

What you need to know:

  • It is a good idea to visit the farm before your date to become familiar with the property and decide where your photo sessions will be. This will make it easier for you to direct your clients to where you have set up.
  • If your plans change and you will not be coming to the farm, we ask that you let us know before your scheduled date.
  • Please make sure your clients have a contact number to reach you if they can’t find you.
  • On our busy weekends where we have many photographers please be thoughtful when setting up where your sessions will be based on others that have arrived before you.
  • Location set-up is on a first come first served basis.
  • Your clients are welcome to bring their dogs as long as they are kept on a leash when not being photographed.
  • There is no admission charge for your clients to come to the farm.

For questions not addressed above please email us at